Your Kid’s Not Going Pro

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Archive for the ‘Sports’ Category

New service lets you calculate your T-Ball shortstop's VORP

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The founders of Houston-based, an online youth statistics database, have in mind as customers the sort of people who want to build up their kid’s resume so they have a better chance of being selected by travel teams or otherwise get better opportunities at each level, kind of like all those services that promise to make highlight videos of your kid for the benefit of college recruiters.

“I look at this as a child’s athletic resume,” co-founder Phil Jones told the Houston Business Journal. “If child moves out of state, it can travel with them. It’s good for the coach and good for the kid.”

Or, co-founder, Sean Ulrey, your $19.99 could go for making an online “baby book” for your child’s sporting career.

While I’m sure the co-founders/sports parents are on to something — there’s no doubt there’s money to be made from both those bases — I think Jones and Ulrey are missing a very key demographic: fantasy sports.

There are a million ways to play fantasy baseball, football, basketball, even golf and NASCAR. But why not get a database together and create a fantasy youth sports league? Have you SEEN the money these fantasy nerds drop? Magazine subscriptions, Internet inside information sites, flights and hotels to fantasy conventions — these folks are more shameless than youth sports parents at spending big bucks for useless activity.

And the thing is, parents will stop being interested in SelectStat when their kids stop playing sports. But fantasy nerds are forever.

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Sheesh, even Bloomberg, which presumably exists to cover Wall Street, knows where the real money is.

Written by rkcookjr

March 15, 2010 at 3:25 pm